Treatment for office syndrome. Neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain, radiating numbness, muscle tightness, tendon pain, and joint pain.
Sport injuries, Trigger Finger, Plantar Fasciitis.
Herniated Disc.
Recover body functions.
Refreshy introduces the first integrated treatment methods in Khon Kaen, developed by the founder, who perfectly combines the knowledge of physical therapy, Thai traditional medicine, and Chinese traditional medicine—specifically targeting office syndrome. This unique approach sets Refreshy apart from other treatments, with the following treatment process.
1) Detailed joint assessment of the bone and muscle structure by a certified physical therapist, a certified Thai traditional medicine expert, and a certified Chinese medicine expert.
2) A holistic treatment plan is devised by experts.
3) Scanning for pain acupressure points with PMS device.
4) Using Magneto Wave (PMS) to stimulate the nerves, alleviate pain, relieve muscle contraction, and enhance muscle strength.
5) Fresh phlai extract, prepared by an expert in Thai traditional medicine, is applied to the affected area to relax the muscles. The Thai traditional medicine doctor personally sources the ingredients, ensuring they are aged for at least 2 years, and oversees the extraction process to guarantee a completely natural final product.
6) A secret massage technique invented by Refreshy following Thai massage treatment in the Traditional medicinal methods. Focuses on massaging affected muscles to alleviate discomfort. A refined version of the Thai royal method. Carry out by a certified expert.ง
7) Pain-relief acupuncture and cupping treatments, provided by Chinese traditional medicine practitioners, are used to promote body balance. In Chinese traditional medicine, it is believed that all illnesses arise from the imbalance of Qi.
8) Posture correction and guidance on physical exercises are provided to prevent recurrence and promote long-term recovery.